What it is
An award known as "The Trevor Zweck Award" may be made at each ANZTLA annual conference
The recipient of the Award should be a person who, in the opinion of the Board, has made a significant contribution
to the development of theological libraries and librarianship in Australia or New Zealand in any way during the
previous twelve months. Recipients need not necessarily be librarians or members of ANZTLA.
No person may receive the Award on more than one occasion
The Board will decide each year whether or not the award is to be conferred. This decision will be made after consideration
of nominations received from ANZTLA members and Chapters. The Board is free not to grant the Award if no nominations
are received or if it cannot agree on a nomination for a particular year. If more than one nomination for the Award is received,
then the Board may decide to confer more than one Zweck Award in the same year.
If the award is to be conferred, then:
The Conference Committee, in consultation with the Board, will allocate a time for a ceremony at which the Award will be
presented, normally at either the conference dinner or the Annual General Meeting.
The Board will arrange the ceremony at which the Award will be presented
The Award has no monetary value, but consists of a certificate stating:
"Awarded by the Australian and New Zealand Theological Library Association to record the outstanding contribution made by [name] to theological libraries and librarianship in Australia and New Zealand. [date]"
Further details of the recipient's contribution may be added to the certificate and changes may be made by the Board where
The certificate should be framed, attractive and dignified.
The certificate will be supplied by the Board from ANZTLA funds for presentation at the Conference
The recipient should be informed in advance of the Award by the Board and be invited to attend the presentation ceremony.
Award Recipients
Lawrence McIntosh 1995
Lawrence McIntosh received the Trevor Zweck Award in recognition of his work on and publication of A Style Manual for the Presentation on Papers and Theses in Religion and Theology. Lawrence McIntosh became the first Trevor Zweck Award recipient.
Tony McCumstie 1997
Tony McCumstie received the Trevor Zweck Award for his editorial work in producing the third edition of AULOTS (The Australasian Union List of Theological Serials). He designed the computer program to collect and process the data, and took the project through to completion with the printer.
Ruth Millard 2004
Ruth Millard received the Trevor Zweck award for her leadership in organising the Consortium Task Group involving extensive negotiations with 31 theological libraries and vendors to provide three separate consortia for online databases.
Kathryn Duncan 2008
Katherine Duncan was awarded the Trevor Zweck award in recognition of her work in liaising with software companies to develop and review the ANZTLA website which incorporates ARI and AULOTS as dynamic online products.
Hans Arns 2014
Hans Arns received the Trevor Zweck award to recognise his work on the "Sharing the World ELibrary" project resourcing Catholic seminary libraries.